Sertifika, Iowa State University-TSLL 2024 Conference:"Researching the Language and Use of Generative AI"(CPD), ●, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 24-10-2024, 26-10-2024
Sertifika, The University of Arizona-CERCLL-"Overcoming Challenges and Barriers in Virtual Exchange" (CPD), ●, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 23-10-2024, 23-10-2024
Sertifika, Centro Cultural Costarricense-Norteamericano:(CPD)"Crafting Criteria that count:Developing Meaningfu, ●, Kosta Rika, 26-07-2024, 26-07-2024
Diğer, BACLS (The British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies)-(CPD) "Decolonising the Literature, ●, Türkiye, 31-05-2024, 31-05-2024
Seminer, MSGSÜ-Tanpınar Edebiyat Araştırmaları ve Uygulama Merkezi:"Tanpınar ve Mitoloji", ●, Türkiye, 17-05-2024, 17-05-2024
Sertifika, The University of Arizona-CERCLL-(CPD) Integrating Extended Reality in Language Instruction, ●, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 18-04-2024, 18-04-2024
Diğer, Columbia University-Teachers College: SALT Brownbag Lecture -(CPD) "Unmasking the Machine-methods fo, ● NY, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 08-03-2024, 08-03-2024
Diğer, The University of Texas at Austin-Middle Eastern Studies-Turkish Literature in Translation Reading G, ● Texas, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 29-02-2024, 29-02-2024
Diğer, New York University-A & S-Ottoman and Turkish Studies-Turkish Poetry Fest, ● NY, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 23-02-2024, 23-02-2024
Sertifika, The University of Arizona-CERCLL (CPD)-"Generative AI in Language Education:"Rewards, Risks, and Reb, ● Arizona, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 13-03-2024, 13-03-2024
Diğer, Boğaziçi University Nafi Baba Center for Research in Sufism, History and Cultural Heritage-"Şehir T, ●, Türkiye, 12-03-2024, 12-03-2024
Diğer, METU-ELT Talks-Current Issues in Teaching the Spoken Language" (CPD), ●, Türkiye, 06-03-2024, 06-03-2024
Diğer, OECD-Cultivating the next generation of green and digital innovators-(CPD)The Critical Role of, ●, Türkiye, 11-01-2024, 11-01-2024
Diğer, Duke University & American Comparative Literature Association-"Remembering Edward Said" (CPD), ●, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 16-01-2024, 16-01-2024
Sertifika, SOBİAD-(CPD)"Eğitimde Kullanılan Yapay Zeka Araçları ve Uygulama Örnekleri", ●, Türkiye, 27-12-2023, 27-12-2023
Diğer, ☆☆Sabancı University Gender Center-"100 Yılda Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Eğitim Tarihi", ●, Türkiye, 15-12-2023, 15-12-2023
Diğer, University of Liverpool-Department of English(CPD)-New Work in Modernist Studies, ●, İngiltere, 08-12-2023, 08-12-2023
Diğer, Diagonal Edebiyat Ağı~İstanbul ve Hüzün (panel), ●, Türkiye, 08-12-2023, 08-12-2023
Diğer, The English Association-Speaking for English Studies (CPD): Literature & The Environment, ●, Türkiye, 01-12-2023, 01-12-2023
Sertifika, The University of Arizona-CERCLL(CPD)-Shaping the Future of Education: Integrating World Languages f, ● Arizona, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 29-11-2023, 29-11-2023
Diğer, ICC(International Language Association): Global Fitness (CPD): What it isn't, what it is and why, ●, Türkiye, 24-11-2023, 24-11-2023
Diğer, ☆☆Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi-Felsefe Konuşmaları: "Metafelsefe Yapmadan Felsefe Yapmak, ●, Türkiye, 30-11-2023, 30-11-2023
Diğer, British Shakespeare Association: Shakespeare and Women:A Conversation (CPD), ●, Türkiye, 17-11-2023, 17-11-2023
Diğer, University of Cambridge-Faculty of English-(CPD) Antipodean Modernism Today-International Conference, ●, İngiltere, 17-11-2023, 18-11-2023
Diğer, Universitat Jaume I- Department of English Studies-GRAPE (CPD)-5th International Webinar on Multimod, ●, İspanya, 16-11-2023, 16-11-2023
Diğer, International Association for Language Learning Technology (CPD)-Teaching Intercultural Communicativ, ●, Türkiye, 13-11-2023, 13-11-2023
Diğer, ☆☆Koç University- Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations-Intercommunal Musical Geographies of L, ●, Türkiye, 07-11-2023, 07-11-2023
Diğer, ☆☆Yale School of the Environment-Bridging Issues & Optimizing Methods in Environmental Studies, ●, Türkiye, 08-11-2023, 08-11-2023
Diğer, University of Glasgow-Education, Languages and Internationalisation (CPD)-Social Justice in Language, Seminar ●, Türkiye, 02-11-2023, 02-11-2023
Sertifika, The University of Arizona-CERCLL (Center for Educational Research in Culture, Language and Literacy), ●, Arizona, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 05-10-2023, 05-10-2023
Diğer, ☆☆Boğaziçi University -Nafi Baba Center for Research in Sufism, History and Cultural Heritage, ● İstanbul, Türkiye, 24-10-2023, 24-10-2023
Diğer, University of Warwick: Language, Culture, Matters (CPD), ●, İngiltere, 18-10-2023, 18-10-2023
Diğer, COL Chair Webinar (CPD)Prompting new Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education, ●, Kanada, 19-10-2023, 19-10-2023
Sertifika, Manchester Metropolitan University-Transcending Boundaries (CPD)- Fostering an Open Research-Teachin, ●, İngiltere, 13-10-2023, 13-10-2023
Diğer, OECD: Generative AI in the Classroom(CPD): Hype or Reality?, ●Paris, Fransa, 05-10-2023, 05-10-2023
Sertifika, TÜBİTAK ULAKBIM & WILEY, ●, Türkiye, 02-10-2023, 02-10-2023
Değerlendirme, EUN Partnership AISBL-AI in Education(CPD): The Era of Hybrid Cognition Environments, ●, Belçika, 27-09-2023, 27-09-2023
Sertifika, ELC (Efficient Language Coaching) (CPD)-"Neurolanguage Coaching and Metacognition in Language Learni, ●, İspanya, 29-09-2023, 29-09-2023
Diğer, ICC-(CPD) The Integration of 21st Century Skills in the Language Classroom, ● Belgrade, Sırbistan, 13-05-2023, 14-05-2023
Diğer, Modern Language Association (CPD)-"What AI Means for Teaching", ●, Türkiye, 26-07-2023, 26-07-2023
Sertifika, İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa & Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı & the European Union- Interculturality-sensit, ●, Türkiye, 22-03-2023, 22-03-2023
Sertifika, SOBIAD Akademi Webinar Serisi-(CPD)Nitel Araştırma Türleri ve Disipliner Yönelimler-, ●, Türkiye, 05-04-2023, 05-04-2023
Sertifika, Dokuz Eylül University-Faculty of Letters-Department of Linguistics-(CPD)16th Conference of Linguist, ●, Türkiye, 08-04-2023, 08-04-2023
Sertifika, EducationWeek- (CPD) A Conversation About the Science of Reading: The Necessary Elements, ●, Türkiye, 18-04-2023, 18-04-2023
Sertifika, ICC-International Language Association- (CPD) Language Learning Experiences That Push Learners out o, ●, Türkiye, 20-04-2023, 20-04-2023
Diğer, METU-ELT Talks: "Are We Autonomous Teachers?" (CPD), ●, Türkiye, 24-03-2022, 24-03-2022
Diğer, Trinity College London-(CPD)Transformative Teachers-Webinar:"Critical Thinking in the ELT Classroom", ●, İngiltere, 21-09-2022, 21-09-2022
Sertifika, (CPD)International Association of Teachers of English As a Foreign Language- Designing Materials for, ●, Türkiye, 03-04-2022, 03-04-2022
Diğer, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü- "Satır Arasında"-Lisans Sempozyumu, ●, Türkiye, 26-03-2022, 26-03-2022
Diğer, OECD- Assessing creative thinking: what, why and how? (CPD), ●, Türkiye, 08-11-2022, 09-11-2022
Sertifika, İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Kültürü ve Araştırmaları Kulübü-Akademik Sohbetler (Tü, ●, Türkiye, 29-03-2022, 29-03-2022
Sertifika, IATEFL PronSIG Webinar (CPD): How does your mother tongue impact L2 Learning? by Thaïs Cristófaro Si, ●, Türkiye, 29-01-2022, 29-01-2022
Sertifika, IATEFL LTSIG & EdTech Australia (CPD): Global View : Taking stock of where we are in online language, ●, Avustralya, 26-03-2022, 26-03-2022
Sertifika, EP SUMMIT 2022-ELT Training Rooms (CPD), ●, Türkiye, 25-03-2022, 27-03-2022
Sertifika, Hacettepe University-The 15th Conference Of Linguistics, (CPD), ●, Türkiye, 09-04-2022, 09-04-2022
Sertifika, ELT- (CPD) The Role of Technology in Motivating Learners: Principles & Practices-, ●, Türkiye, 03-05-2022, 03-05-2022
Sertifika, IATEFL-(CPD) Testing,Evaluation & Assessment- A new frontier in online writing assessment: augmented, ●, Türkiye, 22-06-2022, 22-06-2022
Sertifika, Universidad de La Rioja-Departamento de Filologías Modernas & GLAUR Research Group-Online Symposium(, ●, İspanya, 29-06-2022, 29-06-2022
Sertifika, (CPD)The University of Queensland- School of Languages and Cultures-International Perspectives on Co, ●, Avustralya, 30-09-2022, 30-09-2022
Sertifika, (CPD)The University of Queensland- School of Languages and Cultures- International Perspectives on C, ●, Avustralya, 07-10-2022, 07-10-2022
Sertifika, Qatar University-7th Annual International Conference on ELT (CPD)"Hybrid Learning in ELT: Motivation, ●, Katar, 08-10-2022, 09-10-2022
Sertifika, International School Leaders Conference (CPD), ●, Türkiye, 22-11-2022, 24-11-2022
Sertifika, IEEE & İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi- 5. Teknoloji Konferansı, ●, Türkiye, 02-04-2021, 04-04-2021
Değerlendirme, Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi-FOAI-9, Ankara, Türkiye, 03-11-2017, 04-11-2017
Sertifika, Karabuk University-Lifelong Training Application and Research Center-EU Project Management, Karabük, Türkiye, 19-03-2016, 20-03-2016
Sertifika, Necmettin Erbakan University-SFL & Esentepe Schools- (CPD)ELT Conference- No Need For Brain Pollutio, Konya, Türkiye, 16-03-2013, 16-03-2013
Diğer, ☆☆2.Milletlerarası Şehir Tarihi Yazarları Kongresi, Konya, Türkiye, 05-10-2012, 07-10-2012
Sertifika, Selçuk University School of Foreign Languages-Teacher Training Seminar-(CPD), Konya, Türkiye, 12-09-2012, 13-09-2012
Sertifika, Bilgi University & Boğaziçi University- (CPD) The Third International ELT Student Conference- T, İstanbul, Türkiye, 14-04-2012, 15-04-2012
Sertifika, Selçuk University SOFL & Gençlik Primary School-(CPD) 1. ELT Conference-Bridging Minds., Konya, Türkiye, 01-05-2011, 01-05-2011
Sertifika, 6th ELT Conference- (CPD)Value Added Teaching: Cashing in on CLIL,, İstanbul, Türkiye, 15-05-2010, 15-05-2010
Sertifika, İstanbul Beykent Schools-ELT Conference- (CPD)The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening, İstanbul, Türkiye, 20-03-2010, 20-03-2010
Sertifika, İstek Schools- International ELT Conference (CPD), İstanbul, Türkiye, 27-03-2010, 28-03-2010
Sertifika, 6th Annual ELT Conference-A bridge where all the skills integrate, İstanbul, Türkiye, 27-02-2010, 27-02-2010
Sertifika, -11th Annual ELT Conference-Heart and Mind Friendly (CPD), İstanbul, Türkiye, 20-02-2010, 20-02-2010
Sertifika, İstanbul Anabilim Eğitim Kurumları-ELT Seminar (CPD), İstanbul, Türkiye, 16-01-2010, 16-01-2010
Sertifika, İKEK- The 14th ELT Conference-Te@chnology and More (CPD), İstanbul, Türkiye, 10-04-2010, 10-04-2010
Sertifika, ELT ON AIR-Together Everyone Achieves More / CPD, İstanbul, Türkiye, 30-05-2009, 30-05-2009